With our communities being so rich and diverse in culture, it has been important for CEQ to establish a flexible and unique culture of our own.
When we were managing only IBIS stores in the early 2010’s, our staff mantra “IBIS Time, Island Time” was introduced with great success, creating a line in the sand where IBIS culture became important while at work.
With the formation of the CEQ brand and creation of ABIS to service the Aboriginal community stores in 2016, Col Jones (with Sportspower & Betta), Mona’s Bazaar and TI Mitre 10 all located at Waibene also joined the CEQ group…
So it was time to rethink the previous approach.
‘Which Way, the CEQ Way’, was adopted in acceptance of all cultures, including the CEQ company culture was well embedded across the organisation.
Since then, in 2021, the CEQ Vision has evolved to become ‘Caring, every day, always’ a commitment to community and company which encompasses the authenticity behind CEQ’s brand intention.