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Community Enterprise Queensland (CEQ) Board Deputy Chair honoured for medical career and contribution to First Nations health.

Trailblazing Indigenous doctor and CEQ Board Deputy Chair Dr Mark Wenitong was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by CQUniversity on Friday 9 December 2022, celebrating almost 30 years of work to improve the health and wellbeing of First Nations peoples.

Dr Wenitong is one of Australia’s first Indigenous doctors and a leader and mentor in driving better First Nations health care.

Since graduating from Newcastle University Medical School in 1995, Dr Wenitong has practiced across Central Australia and now in Far North Queensland, and was a founding member of the Australian Indigenous Doctors Association.

Dr Mark Wenitong (Professor Adjunct, QUT) is from the Kabi Kabi tribal group of South Queensland. He has been the Public Health Medical Advisor at Apunipima Cape York Health Council since 2008, where he continues to practice clinical medicine and remote health service systems and program delivery.

Dr Wenitong is the strategic advisor for the Lowitja Institute, Research Knowledge Translation and the inaugural Co-Chair of the QH Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statewide Clinical Network. Dr Wenitong was previously appointed as the Aboriginal Public Health Medical Officer, and the Acting CEO at the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) in 2012.

Dr Wenitong joined CEQ’s Board in early 2020 and his deep understanding of both clinical and policy work in the region has proven to be invaluable to CEQ.

CEQ Chief Executive Officer Michael Dykes said Dr Wenitong is an important member of CEQ’s Board and his expertise helps to shape the health and wellbeing strategies of the organisation.

“Dr Wenitong brings extensive experience to the CEQ Board, with past and present experience serving on a number of Boards as both member and Chair,” said Mr Dykes.

“His clinical experience, involvement in policy work, and his passion for improving First Nations health care has been integral to guiding our health and wellbeing strategies.

“CEQ is committed to driving healthier living in remote Cape York and Torres Strait Islands communities, and we aim to provide essential goods and services that support communities to be healthy, sustainable, and more resilient.

“CEQ currently supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through various healthy living programs across our remote stores, including IBIS Healthy Choice, and Healthy Eating, Healthy Life, and Gather and Grow programs, which are focused on promoting healthier choices within each store.

“On behalf of the Board, Executive and our team I’d like to congratulate Dr Wenitong on receiving this well-deserved Honorary Doctorate from CQUniversity, and thank him for his ongoing contributions to both CEQ and towards improving the health and wellbeing of Far North Queensland communities.”

CEQ is a not-for-profit organisation responsible for providing goods and essential services to the Torres Strait, Northern Peninsula Area (NPA), mainland Aboriginal remote communities, and Palm Island through its 28 stores.

CEQ’s Store Support Office is based in Cairns, and manages Islanders Board of Industry and Service (IBIS) and Aboriginal Business, Industry and Service (ABIS) mainland stores, as well as other stores including Col Jones, Mona’s Bazaar and Mitre 10 on Thursday Island.


Featured in the National Indigenous Times –

Trailblazing Indigenous doctor honoured for outstanding career and contribution to First Nations health